The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development of UIU aims to sharing ideas and innovations to protect our environment and enhance sustainable development through discussion among participants from different backgrounds. Almost every country is facing various growing need for new visions to deal with sustainable development to improve quality of life. This need for growth is a big threat for preserving existing natural resources and sustaining them for future generations, which makes the focus on the environmental aspect a crucial and important matter.

This conference will bring together policymakers, researchers – especially the young researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, development practitioners, civil society activists, postgraduate students, and networks, forums across all sectors including youth forums, government, academia, international agencies, NGOs, and grassroots organizations under one big platform to share knowledge and experience to make a green world for our future generation.

Registration Fees

  • International participants: 100 USD
  • SAARC participants: 50 USD
  • Local participants: 1000 BDT
  • Full-Time local students: 500 BDT
  • Observer participants: Free.

For more information please contact 7th UIU-ICSD Secretariat of IDSS office (Room # 919, Level 09) at UIU or email to-