Professor Mukta S. Lama (Tamang) completed his PhD from Cornell University with the dissertation entitled “Himalayan Indigeneity: Histories, Memory, and Identity among Tamang in Nepal”. Dr. Lama, an indigenous rights activist is a Professor of Sociology/Anthropology in Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He holds a PhD in anthropology from Cornel University entitled, ‘Himalayan Indigeneity: Histories, Memory and Identity among Tamang in Nepal’. He has conducted several research studies in the areas of social inclusion, indigenous peoples and other excluded and minority groups. He has published several articles, books and contributed to journals and presented several papers in the national and international arena. His publications include Cultural Diversity and Democracy in Nepal, Himalayan Research Bulletin, (21)2, 2002, The Working of Democracy in Nepal,Seminar, April 2005, Emotional Aspects of Peer Relations among Children in Rural Nepal (with Pamela Cole and Alice Walker), in X. Chen, D.C. French, and B.H. Schneider (eds.) Peer Relationships in Cultural Context (2006), and Culture, Caste and Ethnicity in the Maoist Movement, Studies in Nepali History and Society, (11)2, 2006. He was Senior Research Fellow at Nepal School of Social Sciences and Humanities from 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2013.